Nepean Blue Mountains Community Health Care
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(Secondment from Blue Mountains Hospital / Nepean Blue Mountains Community Health Care)
Participating hospital information 2025. Please contact the hospital directly if further information is required.
Springwood CHC, 288-292 Macquarie Rd, Springwood NSW 2777
Matthew Whitland, Physiotherapy Head of Department, Primary Care and Community Health, NBMLHD
Phone: (02) 4734 4800
Fax: (02) 4734 4812
No of FYGs
2 (on 6 month rotation)
No of Physios (PT) and Assistants (A)
9 PTs + 4 AHAs
FYG Clinical Rotations
- 6 month rotation at NBMLHD Community Health Care - community-based physiotherapy services including TACP, chronic & complex care, post-operative orthopaedics etc
- 6 month rotation with Blue Mountains Hospital
Working Hours
- NBMLHD Community Health Care General duty hours: 8.00-4.30pm Monday to Friday with an Allocated Day Off (ADO) each month.
Weekend Shifts
No weekend or on call shifts
Evening shifts
No evening shifts
No accomodation available at NBMLHD Community Health Care.
Train to Springwood Railway Station, and a 5 minute walk.
Adequate on-street parking available.
Orientation Process
- Contact the Physiotherapy Head of Department Head (PC&CH) following Allocation.
- 1 Day District orientation at Nepean Hospital - Topics covered for New Graduates include manual handling, WH&S training, traction, cast application and removal, respiratory assessment for adults and paediatrics, brace application, mobility assessments, basic life support (BLS), electronic medical records (Cerner).
- 1 day CHOC training
- Departmental orientation will include: selection and orientation to clinical area, policy and procedures, introduction to staff, allocation of quality projects.
- Allied Health New Graduate handbook will be supplied.
- Orientation includes an overview of the geographical area, CHOC (electronic medical records), STES (equipment) access, car bookings, safety and secrity procedures and introduction to staff.
- Primary Care & Community Health information and TACP specific orientation folders are also provided.
- Clinical Supervision and Mentoring programs in place.
Education Programs
- Inhouse Monthly Inservice calendar / Journal club program
- Webinars
- NBMLHD Interprofessional peer group sessions for New Graduates
- Annual Physiotherapy Professional Development Day
Pre-Requisites e.g. D/L; Interest in clinical areas relevant to facility
Drivers Licence
Interest / knowledge in orthopaedics and rehabilitation
Social Activities
- Bushwalking, camping, abseiling, rock climbing, canyoning, horse riding, touch football, golf
- Cafes & restaurants, "Blue Mountains Music Festival", "Yulefest", "Winter Magic Festival", arts & crafts, markets most weekends
Support Mechanisms
- Allied Health Educational Sessions
- New Graduate Interprofessional Peer Learning sessions
- Senior Superivision program as per the HETI "Superguide"
- Physiotherapy New Graduate Coordinator
- NBMLHD Employee Assistance Program
- Community Health Care Clinical Supervision and Mentoring programs in place.
Annual Leave Policy
Annual leave is usually not approved for New Graduates in their first year of work. However, it may be considered under exceptional circumstances, and requires approval from the Head of Department.