NSW Physiotherapy New Graduate Allocation Program
The Physiotherapy New Graduate Allocation Program is an exciting initiative that provides employment opportunities for recently graduated NSW physiotherapists. Successful applicants participate in a program that provides a supportive learning environment. Within the program, graduates are able to consolidate and develop their skills and knowledge, creating an excellent foundation for their career in Physiotherapy.
The Allocation program has been an important feature of the NSW Public Hospital system for over 40 years. Over that period, it has expanded in both scope and diversity to become an essential part of the physiotherapy workforce.
The program provides entry-level positions that are designed to give a range of experiences across diverse clinical areas, all within a supportive developmental framework.
The program is coordinated by The NSW Physiotherapy New Graduate Allocation Program Committee.
Applications for the 2025 First Year Graduate Year open at 8 a.m. on Friday the 13th of September 2024 and close at 5 p.m. on Sunday 13th of October 2024.
The information on the website is current for the 2025 First Year Graduate Year.